Cannot set LOIT_ACC_MAX past 566,1873?

Hello everyone.

I have encountered a problem I have never faced before in Ardupilot and I have no idea why this is happening. Basically I can not set LOIT_ACC_MAX to a value higher than 566,1873.

I discovered this when I tried to set it to 600 but after refreshing parameters it always defaults to 566,1873. If I set a lower value it then works as expected and saves that value :thinking:

This is only happening in my X8 drone. I have other drones and neither shows this problem besides this one.

This parameter is based on ATC_ANGLE_MAX . Default value is 3000( 30degree). If you increase this value will adapt LOIT_ACC_MAX.


You are right. I increased ANGLE_MAX to 40 deg and it let me increase LOIT_ACC_MAX.

Do you know what other parameters go into the calculation of the max available value for LOIT_ACC_MAX? I know there must be others besides ANGLE_MAX. I tried to find it in the ardupilot code but was not sucessful.