Cannot get X8 to fly missions


We are flying the 3DR X8 and we cannot get it to fly missions. Whenever we switch to autopilot, the drone shoots into the air and goes well above the altitude we set the mission at (35 m.). It shows no signs of stopping either.

The only thing I can think of is that our ground control radio is communicating incorrectly with the drone. We did have to get a new one, but we set the new radio’s ID to match the one attached to the drone. Either way, we are still able to see the altitude the UAV is flying at on-screen.

If there are any solutions to this problem, we’d be greatly appreciative.

Please provide tlogs and/or datatflash logs to help troubleshoot your issue.

Sorry about that.

Hm. As I look at the flight log, it says High GPS HDOP. Not all too sure what that means.

The log is attached below.

Also, I should point out that once we reach around 50 meters, I turn it off autopilot and bring the drone down in semi-auto.

A dataflash log of the same period will be better at helping to troubleshoot your issue.
However, a high HDOP value is real trouble in relation to autonomous navigation.
You should not fly with an HDOP over 2.0 which means you probably are not currently in a good GPS environment.
Your tlog indicates at the time of lift off your HDOP was over 2.0 and bounced all over the place between 2.1 and 1.5 during the flight. Your sat count varied between 8 and 11, but was mostly at 9. Your GPS track (black line in the Flight Data window) appears to be all over the place. I suspect that the trees on either side of your launch area is causing havoc with your GPS reception.

I don’t know how the GPS HDOP, esp in the range of two, would cause the copter to simply climb without stopping…those two conditions don’t seem to be connected.

For me, I arm in POS HOLD (and the copter will NOT arm unless the GPS is good), then switch to AUTO, and as soon as I raise the throttle, the copter takes off and flies the mission.

Hope that might help.