I currently have a VTOL aircraft (ArduPlane V4.4) with compass interference problems. The aircraft has a CubeOrange and two Here3+. I have thought about using the Moving Baseline as a positioning method. Following the tutorials has not been effective (thanks @Yuri_Rage for the great contribution to the community). I was hoping that someone who has had a similar problem has come up with the solution. The list of parameters I have configured to try to get the MB up and running is as follows (the rest of the parameters are configured by default or with a configuration that previously worked, obviously without MB mode):
- GPS_MB1_TYPE = 1
- GPS_MB1_OFS_X = 0.5
- GPS_MB1_OFS_Y = 0
- GPS_MB1_OFS_Z = -0.05
- EK3_ENABLE = 1
Both Here3+ are connected via CAN on different Cube can ports. I don’t know if the implemented hardware is able to achieve what I am looking for, so I don’t rule out that this is the problem.
From total ignorance I think it is possible that I have not configured the RTK correctly or not even configured it at all. The Here3+ manual indicates the steps to follow for one ground and one on-board station but I have not found anything about configuring for two on-board GPS. I would appreciate if someone could check the parameters and detect the error because I am out of ideas. I have never seen anything like “float rtk” or “rtk float fixed” on the screen, only “3D fix” on both GPS with the non-MB configuration. Currently, with the described parameters I have 3D fix on both GPS but GPS yaw is still 0.
If I have forgotten to add any information please let me know and I will update the post.
Other doubts that I have and I don’t know if they interfere in any way in the configuration:
When setting the parameter GPS_AUTO_CONFIG=2 in the Cube, inside the GPS the GPS_TYPE changes to 17 and 18, but according to the source code (link, lines 125-126, 130-131) these parameters are not for DRONCAN (and the ones in my device are CAN) so I think the correct option is to overwrite those parameters with the values 22 and 23.
Although, in principle, the MB configuration I think is correct I don’t know if there is any extra configuration to do to enable RTK injection or something like that.
There are two parameters GPS_MB1_TYPE and GPS_MB2_TYPE, but I think that with only two GPS I should configure only GPS_MB1_TYPE (and then introduce the offsets between the antennas, for this I followed this guide from HolyBro link).
I don’t know if I’m completely wrong or I’ve configured it all wrong from the beginning or not even if the hardware I have is compatible with the functionality I’m looking for. With all the context maybe it’s easier if someone who has faced a similar situation can point me in the right direction or where to look further.