Cannot attach jpg image file

I have just joined here, and for the past 12 hours have intermittently been trying to make my first post. However, as soon as I attach a jpg (226k), I cannot preview nor post. The same goes for a .png.

I get this error message:

Error 503 Service Unavailable
Service Unavailable
Guru Meditation:
XID: 1309125614

Varnish cache server

Please help!

(PS: I prefer not to use another site to host the image)

All new member posts must be approved by the Admins to help prevent spamming.

Thanks for the information.

However, I don’t see how it relates to the issue I am posting about?

A bit of Googling seems to indicate this is a configuration problem on the server… Can anyone help with this problem?

At the moment I believe that only .bin files can be uploaded as an attachment.
However, there is an Img function in the tool bar.

Select attach file

Now I am more confused… Only .bin files according to @TCIII? Yet @Craig3DR can somehow attach a jpg? :confused:

Sorry about that. You can attach .bin, .log, .tlog, .jpg etc

Working now. I see that my image was greater than 1024 px, and that, plus a slow internet connection, seems to cause the error message I originally posted