Cannot activate PosHold mode. Err:Flight_Mode-8

Position hold mode will not engage. :cry: I get an error code every time I try to engage it. Loiter, RTL work great. Flies great. Anyone have any advice? I had to zip my log file to get it below 2mb, see attached. Thanks in advanced.


O think you ate trying to use the old unsupported position mode. Poshold is mode 16. Are you using an old mission planner?

sent from my phone so apologies for any typos

As above.

Load up mission planner, press ctrl+F and then click on Param Gen.
Wait a couple of minutes as in the background mission planner is now downloading the most up to date parameter file.

Restart mission planner and you should have Position Hold as a selectable flight mode rather than Position which is no longer supported.

Yep, that did it. Thank you both! I was scratching my head thinking it was something more complicated. I thought I was current, not sure how I did that…I suppose I should pay more attention.

This little guy rocks now!

Hello here,

got exactly the same problem this weekend ( haven’t used my quadcopter in the winter) after upgrade to 3.2 and do my first flight, can get the poshold flight mode to work.

I have analysed the logs and read this topic, updated MP parameters and… Tadam.

Thanks for your help too :stuck_out_tongue:

I figured out what I did. I had a new build, but used a a favorite parameter file I had saved from one of my other apm’s. It wasn’t up to date, but I thought it was…