Can I use the 2nd GPS in the Seirial2 port of Pixhawk?

As in the item, I see now all the serial port in Pixhawk support many modes, and the mode 5 is gps, can I use the serial2 port as the 2nd gps port?

From what i have read,You would use Serial 4/5 for the 2nd GPS.
Hope that helps. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

[quote=“servoman1”]From what i have read,You would use Serial 4/5 for the 2nd GPS.
Hope that helps. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:[/quote]

Iam using 2 GPS now, one in telem2 port, Pixhawk can read data of both GPS, but it seems that it can not switch to the GPS with better singal.