Can I just add some position lights to my 3A Mauch BEC?


I want to do some night flights and need position lights to get the official papers.

I have ordered 4 Strobon V2 led modules from Flytron and wonder whether I can just connect them to my 3A Mauch Bec which is also powering my mRo X2.1 flight controller and a Emlid Reach RTK GPS or whether the irregular amp draw of the strobe (60mA (1A for 2x20ns when flashing) will introduce some unwanted effects within my power system?


never power high current stuff from the same bec that powers your fc.
very bad things can happen.

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if you have a multi output Power Cube from Mauch, each output supports 10A so yes.

as long as you power the Flytron from a different output of the flight controller.

If using a single output Mauch BEC (or any other BEC used to power the flight controller) than get a separate BEC for the LED’s.

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Ok, thanks, I was just wondering whether the short current spike could be handled by a condensator.

Are there any recommendations for a light BEC?

this works fine :slight_smile:

I was just wondering whether the short current spike could be handled by a condensator.

that is possible, but the condensator will weight more than the bec :wink:
dont do it, you could introduce possible noise to your fc. → fc can possibly reset. you dont want that. seperate your fc power from highpower stuff.

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Thank you, I will go for this one!