Can fixed wing and delta wing model be transformed each other by switch of radio?


Hello, everyone. I want to ask for some questions. Can fixed wing and delta wing model be transformed each other by switch of radio? Fixed wing has four servos.One channel of pixhawk controls two servos of aileron; Two channel of pixhawk controls two servos of elevon. Delta wing has two servos. Two servos is mixed up. Now I don't know whether this idea is feasible.
When I switchby radio, output of aileron in  fixed wing is given to output of aileron in delta wing model. Is there the flight mode? I try to find px4iofirmware file of modules in ardupilot .Then,I want to revise its code, output of aileron in fixed wing is transfered to output of aileron in delta wing model.
I'm looking forward your replay.tahnks.

I don’t think ardupilot can switch servo outputs dynamically outside of the quadplane code.
However, you could get a servo mixer board that takes servo input and can send them to different outputs depending another servo input.
This allows you to control 2 different flight controllers to the same outputs, but in your case you could use it in reverse.
I know I’ve seen this on the internet, you’d have to search for it.
That said, even so I’m not sure it would work well because the tuning ardupilot would have your normal ailerons may not work once you switch to elevons.
Basically it might be possible but not trivial and you’d likely be the first to try.