Cam Switcher - PWM or SBus

when using an RFD 868 receiver that connects to a TX MOD that is connected to the radio via SBus, should I connect the Cam Swither (VIFLY) to the servo output line on the Orange Cube+ via PWM or SBus?

I’d try PWM off the Cube+. That way you could control it via RC, MP, or LUA.

I just soldered it like that (PWM) and for some reason I can’t figure out why it doesn’t work. I’ll check all the connections again.

How are you sending the PWM signal? Are you using passthrough? (SERVOx_FUNCTION,51-66 or 140-155)

I have a signal cable connected to AUX OUT 2 (servo _10) without a ground wire.

It might need ground.

when you cycle your RC6 switch do you see that on the RC page of Mission Planner and do you see the Servo 10 output moving on the servo page of mission planner. (Is this a setup issue or a hardware issue)

Yes, the channel works fine and its value is within the range given by the manufacturer.
What grounding pad do you think I could use?

probably the servo rail, I’m no expert but I think the servo rails are separate from the fc pwr system

What is the servo output doing?

And yes,how are you powering it? The servo rail on the Cube is not powered. You can use the ground but you’ll need to find power form somewhere else.

The servo output rail doesn’t need to be powered, because I only connect the signal pin, but I have servo rail powered in servo9_output (5V), because I have e.g. Active Buzzer connected to it. The Cam Switcher itself is powered by the VTX not via servo rail.