Good morning everyone, on my rover I am changing the firmware from 4.2.3 (stable) to firmware 4.4.0 Beta 6 and 7. I have a raspberry running mavproxy and I send commands through programs in Python. Everything was going well, but with this firmware I have seen that something has changed and it does not perform the level 1 and 2 calibration of the accelerometer. I share the error in the mavproxy console, and the two functions in Python, see if you can tell me if there is any change… I have searched the forum and github but found nothing.
def cmd_preflight_calibration(v):
acc0 = v.mav.command_long_encode(
v.target_system, # Sistema
v.target_component, # Componente
pymavlink.mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, # Comando para calibración
# Confirma que no hay datos adicionales
29, # Tipo de calibración acelerómetro simple
# Parámetros adicionales (param5 = 4 para calibración simple)
0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0,
print(“Accelerometer calibration command sent.”)
acc1 = v.mav.command_long_encode(
v.target_system, # Sistema
v.target_component, # Componente
pymavlink.mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, # Comando para calibración
# Confirma que no hay datos adicionales
29, # Tipo de calibración acelerómetro simple
# Parámetros adicionales (param5 = 4 para calibración simple)
0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0,
print(“Acc Simple calibrated”)
Thank you in advance and a smile