Buzzer Volume - CubePilot buzzer on Holybro Pixhawk 6C

I’d like to have a notify buzzer on a build that uses a Holybro Pixhawk 6C Mini.

The only buzzer I have on hand is the CubePilot buzzer.

This configuration works - except that the buzzer volume is so low that it’s almost impossible to hear. In this video it’s barely audible.

My NTF_BUZZ_xxx parameters are the same as I typically use - all defaults - and the volume parameter is at 100%.

Is there a way to make the buzzer louder?

I’m guessing that this CubePilot buzzer may be incompatible with the Holybro Pixhawk - although the published output voltages appear to be the same.

I don’t believe Holybro offers a stand alone buzzer - all of there buzzers are integrated into their GNSS receivers.

I’d welcome any suggestions to help get a louder notify buzzer with this Holybro Pixhawk 6C Mini

Use an amplified buzzer with the correct signal polarity. You will distinguish it with the additional transistor, and the additional supply (3 pins).

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Do you have a link where to purchase this???

I see them on Amazon here. Google “arduino amplified buzzer”

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