I’d like to have a notify buzzer on a build that uses a Holybro Pixhawk 6C Mini.
The only buzzer I have on hand is the CubePilot buzzer.
This configuration works - except that the buzzer volume is so low that it’s almost impossible to hear. In this video it’s barely audible.
My NTF_BUZZ_xxx parameters are the same as I typically use - all defaults - and the volume parameter is at 100%.
Is there a way to make the buzzer louder?
I’m guessing that this CubePilot buzzer may be incompatible with the Holybro Pixhawk - although the published output voltages appear to be the same.
I don’t believe Holybro offers a stand alone buzzer - all of there buzzers are integrated into their GNSS receivers.
I’d welcome any suggestions to help get a louder notify buzzer with this Holybro Pixhawk 6C Mini