Building a rover/mower, UM982 GPS RTK inaccuracy

Thanks. Can I buy the UM982 from you? I have a Mammotion Luba robot lawn mower that uses this module and it works great. I want to build my own rover using the same RTK and also tap into the existing base station used by the mower.

my email is:

Nah, sry, I’d suggest you to purchase from holybro official website.
I personally would like to do packaging and shipping as little as possible.

Good to know that Luba uses it and it works.
Maybe I have some wrong configuration or anything.
Probably will re-investigate next time for a RTK project.

I’m not very familiar with the UM982, but I wonder if it’s possible to limit the number of constellations? Often, when these types of inaccuracies are reported, it’s due conflicting position estimates from multiple constellations at once. Use, for example, only GPS and Galileo (or whichever two constellations are most visible in your locale).

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Oh no, I meant that the UM982 board is very cheap, not the entire module.

Hi Leichen,

This is Lina from Unicore Communications. Glad to know you have been trying with our UM982. Sorry that I didn’t see your question until now.
Please send an email to and i will invite our FAE to solve your technical questions.
Just to give you confidence, we are actually not new to the market, and major mower customers in China and abroad are using our solution:).

Look forward to your email, Lina

Hi Trinh,

Thank you for your interest in Unicore modules. I just sent an email to you.

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Did you manage to resolve the inaccuracy with this module?

I didn’t spend more time investigating the issue after finding the dual GPS working.
If any successful story, would love to hear.

My own bench tests of this module have been very promising. I’m behind on a project to employ it fully, but I expect no difficulty based on observation so far.

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Good to know it’s working.

Yuri - any tips on getting good results from the UM982?

I have a UM982, the positioning part works very well however I am unable to get any heading data.
As you posted that for you works, can you share your parameters to check if I am doing something wrong?

The only one I’ve used (from CUAV) was hidden behind a CAN interface. I don’t know the specific UM982 module settings to enable all features that you desire, which is where I suspect your configuration is failing.

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Thank you for the information