Building a Better Quad Frame

Hi, this is really interesting. I had no idea the Inspire was so heavy!

Check out a similar project here that @cglusky produced:
He’s currently doing final testing on a smaller 300 size frame with no inserts, just 3d printed bits, standard CF tubes and some screws.

I’ve flown a 450-ish size first draft of the dev frame and crashed it several times at speed against a stone wall and it’s come off really well! The interesting thing about this design is that you can change the arms to H or X by changing the angle of the blocks that the arms go into. It was designed for maximum payload size - you can fill the top and bottom rails with whatever equipment you like, unlike for example the Drotek frame linked above which has miniscule space for payload.

I really like the idea of 3d printed frames using standard off the shelf parts. Decent quality CF tubes are hard to break, so most crash damage is props or just 3d print replacement frame parts. I don’t have a 3d printer but got the bits printed next day for local pickup super cheap through

Anyway, didn’t mean to hijack this, but maybe worth combining efforts rather than reinventing the wheel in a different way? Gitter chat is here: