Brand new Iris+ first flight crash

Hi everyone!
Hoped I wouldn’t need to ask for help but here I am!
Assembled the new Iris+ yesterday, took the first flight today. Had solid GPS lock & the first few minutes of the flight were awesome…it flew like a dream! Then, at about 10 feet moving slow, the Iris+ took a hard nose dive to the right & crashed. A long leg snapped off and my Tarot gimbal snapped off and the three black motor wires to the gimbal board came loose. I tried hooking it up to Mission Planner but the log files would not come off and it would not read through direct hookup. I took the shell off, SD card out and downloaded the entire folder and have attached it hoping that someone can help make sense of it all. So… my questions are the following:

  1. It was my first flight so attached is everything from the APM/LOGS folder from the SD card. There was one other text file called LASTLOG and all it has is the number “3” in it.
  2. Anyone have a picture of what the wiring for the Tarot gimbal looks like from the motors to the board? I don’t just want to plug things in, worrying that I may mess something up.
    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Don’t see anything in the logs other than the motors shutdown and GPS altitude goes up.



So does this mean that the Iris had a glitch and there is something wrong with it? Any ideas what caused it or how to prevent other incidents? Just not sure what to do…
Thanks for checking it out. As I mentioned, I can not pull this info up on my computer. The Iris connects to Mission Planner but I can not pull flight log info. I guess that is another issue I would need suggestions on to fix…

Are there any other interpretations of this crash? Thanks!

I suggest that you open a ticket at

I opened a ticket and they are working on it but the resources and knowledge base on this forum are also super helpful. The more eyes on the issue, the better!!

I got the most amazing service from 3DR and Imalia with engineering. They determined that I has a faulty IMU and the crash was due to faulty Pixhawk. I’m sending it back to them for fixing, so I look forward to reporting more awesome news soon!!

That’s good news. My experience with 3DR CS was very favorable last year when I bought a Y6B DIY.