Brand new APM 2.6 not connecting to USB problem, SOS!

Hey guys, its good to be here! )

I recently bought new APM 2.6 from 3DR.

Right out the box I had a problem when tried to connect it to USB for the first time.
Once USB cable connected - the board flashes once with blue led, then once with orange led, green led stays on, but no more activity… (

There is a video how it looks:

in my Win7 the board appears in Devices and Printers as Arduino Mega 2560, com can be changed - no joy… No Heartbeat…

JP1 jumper is off
powered with PM - same behavior
tested power on the board, got nice and clean 5V and 3.3V
on Reset button the board flashes blue for 6 times with no further activity
tried all USB baud rates
reinstalled all drivers

downloading Arduino library, will try it too.

Any ideas, lads?

Thank you, Andrei

Have you attempted to load any Ardupilot firmware onto the APM?

Have you attempted to load any Ardupilot firmware onto the APM?
TCIII GM[/quote]

Yes I did, tried several versions 3.2.1, 3.1.2, 3.0.1, 2.9.1b…
during the process board gives me 2 series of 6 blue flashes
at the end I get Comms error message with no joy… (

MP Terminal opens com port, but i get no reply on any command…

I downloaded Arduino IDA but still cant get to the board. When I open the Serial monitor and change baud rate, then board flashes blue 6 times to me, however does not respond to any comands…