Hey there.
Sorry this may be in the wrong location…so Admins if wrong please move it.
I have a HackRC 60 4in1 esc that is in a new build of mine and I was checking the telemetry and noticed that the voltage is about 1.5 volts higher then it should be.
I don’t’ see anyway of tuning this value.
Any suggestions. It’s not the end of the world. But it will continue to bug me.
I don’t think there is a way to scale voltage from ESC telemetry. If you use a Battery Monitor there is not a Voltage Multiplier parameter when ESC is configured (you probably figure that out!). Some ESC’s allow scaling of current but that’s about it.
I don’t know why there is not a BATx_VOLT_MULT parameter for ESC telemetry voltage. I think this has come up before but I don’t recall what the answer was. You know soon enough if you try to change the “measured battery voltage” value in MP Battery monitor screen
There use to be that value but altering it had no affect.
Its not the end of the world but stuff like this just bugs me. I have the problem with both of the HackRC esc’s I have.
The expectation from the BLHeli_32 dev is that the hardware should be accurate and so there is no way to calibrate the voltage sensor. He’s suggested in the past talking to the ESC vendor if the voltage measurement is not accurate.
The ArduPilot devs have in the past said that any issue with ESC voltage measurements is a problem with the ESC and needs to be dealt with by the ESC.
Have you tried setting up a BATTery monitor as ESC voltage input (it’s just a setting) and using the associated voltage scaling/multiplier ?
That wont change the ESC data of course, but it can be a second source for the battery voltage.