BLheli high power consumption

Greetings and thank you for reading.

According to Ecalc I should be getting around 19 to 20 minutes of flight time on a single 5 s 5000 mah battery but I am lucky if I get 7 minutes. Drone configuration is as followes.

Size = 560
Weight =1500 excluding battery
Motors = 530kv
Battery = Sony vtc6 Li-ion 6000 mah in 5s2p configuration
Propellers = Used both 12x5.5 and 13x5.5 cf props.
ESC = flycolour 35amp blheli32 no capcitors. Capacitor is on the battery
The Voltage and Current was set using a GT power meter.

When flying I am seeings current draw spike up to 40 amps with an average of around 25 as per the logs.

So question. Is there anything in BLheli that can cause high power consumption? or must i trouble shoot something else? The reason I am asking is that I have never seen such high power consumption with these motors on previous builds that was as heavy.

I also notice that there is a hugh sag in the voltage right at the start. Also something that I have never seen with the batteries I am using.

BLHELI settings look good.
That slope in the voltage graph looks like the battery may not have been fully charged (maybe) as it’s dropping off more steeply at the end and has hit the critical voltage - 15.00 for this battery type.
Can you share a log and you motor details?

Thank for replying xfacta. I think you might be on to something as I notice that these are Li-Ions and these particualr cells like 4.1 and not 4.2. Interestingly, I did some test flights this morning and noticed that my motors weren’t too happy after the last autotune. I could only fly for around 9 minutes and noticed that after landing that my no 1 and 2 motors were warm to the touch. Grpahs showed me hovering at aroun 25 amps.

Then had a brainwave and loaded default parameters. Motors sounded happy and I could fly for around 18 minutes as per ecalc. After that flight all motors were cool to the touch and graphs showed me hovering at around 17 amps mean,

The voltage drop at the beginning is still there but I could fly longer

So I am just going to do manul tune instead of autotune

Voltage After Autone

Current After Autotune

Voltage on stock parameters

Current on stock parameters

Re-autotune with reduced aggressivity parameters. And tune the notch filter first

I am done with Autotuning I think. I tried 0.8 at one stage and got horrible results as well. Will try and hone my manual tuning.

No wonder you got bad results the maximum is 0.10 and you used 0.80

Please retest with 0.07

I apologies not 8 but 0.08 Plus right now its very rare to have windless days here.

The Autotuned motor outputs are very noisy because the somewhat higher PID values of the autotune let more gyro noise go through.

Tune the harmonic notch to remove the gyro noise and the autotune results will get a lot better

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