Blheli_32 Configuration Issue

Hello - I am trying to configure a Spedix GS35 32Bit 2-6S 35A ESC with a SpeedyBee F405 Wing FC.
I have set up the parameters for BLHELI (params file attached). However, I am unable to arm the motor.
At power up, ESC gives the standard set up beeps - however, I am unable to read the configuration via Blheli configurator even though it connects.


HH0614b.param (18.9 KB)

I,ll have a look today and update you. I received the speedybee f405 wing today.
This issue did happened to me few times with other Matek board. Just cross check all config + check the drivers + play around a bit with USB different ports. And yes, if you are trying from win11, best of luck, switch back to win 10 and try.