Bild MissionPlanner on parallel M1 MacOS

Hi guys. I’m trying to build on an ARM processor, it gives this error. Maybe someone has encountered this error? Help me, please. I will be very grateful to anyone for any information!

Error :
The command “”\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\bin\Release\net461\version.exe" “\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\bin\Release\net461\MissionPlanner.exe” > “\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\bin\Release\net461\version.txt”
copy “\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\ExtLibs\System.Speech.dll” "\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\bin\Release\net461"

cd "\Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\bin\Release\net461"
for /f %%f in (‘dir /a-d /b plugins’) do if exist .%%f del .\plugins%%f
" exited with code 1. MissionPlanner \Mac\Home\Desktop\MissionPlanner\MissionPlanner.csproj 5199

Experiencing the same here, on M2 macOS, running Parallels