Bi-directional dshot support

I fly two copters with this board. If you set


With dshot600 it will work.
You could also probably just set:


If you don’t want to increase your loop rate.

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Thankyou so much!!! I should have posted this 5 hours ago!!!

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To add to what Andy said regarding bi-directional DSHOT advantages, depending on your preference for “hoarding” data, you may free up a UART, or you may not be satisfied with BDSHOT telemetry alone (which only supports RPM). If you want individual motor voltage, current, and temperature, you’ll still need to monitor ESC telemetry via serial communication (no faster than 10Hz for serial ESC telemetry if BDSHOT is enabled concurrently, at least on an H7 board). BDSHOT is something like an order of magnitude faster for RPM reporting, though, so it’s almost a no-brainer to use a -bdshot build and enable it, which will allow the flight controller to respond quicker and more accurately apply harmonic filtering.

For a list of supported boards, you can look here and see which are suffixed -bdshot.

HI, I would just like to share that SBUS doesn’t work with -bdshot firmware.

What flight controller?

Hi All,

Has anyone tried using APD ESCs and had sucess with getting telemetry from the all the ESC at once?


Good afternoon,

First I thank you all for this great feature. I found an strange behavior when I used the Lumenier 36A BLHeli_32 32bit 2-6S w/ Telemetry in my small drone. It does not show up the 4 ESCs in the BLHeli SW. It is odd since it always through a message that the Firmware in the first ESC is not correct. However, if I switch it with the second one, so the first one is other one, it has the same message. I worked around the issue configuring the three I could and then switching them and configuring the missing one. I am using the AUX channels of the CubeOrange.

So this is likely a timing issue, of which there are many with blheli passthrough. @tridge has made some improvements in this area in master so it would be worth trying that to see if the problem goes away.

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Matek H743-slim is the controller. The issue is repeatable.

I have many ESCs connected to a MatekH743 slim (I do all my testing with this board) and they all show up in passthrough - including a 4-in-1 T-Motor F55, so most likely this is related to the ESCs you are using (and timing related).

Hi @andyp1per I found My RC (walkera, sbus, connected to rx6) do not work in matekh743-bdshot build. But it works well in matekh743. Do you have the same issue? Thank you very much

EDIT: I solve this problem by changing SERIAL7_PROTOCOL to 23. It is strange that matekh743 works well when SERIAL7_PROTOCOL left as -1

This is because the regular built supports RCININT, but the bdshot build needs that timer

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Hi @andyp1per Thank you very much for explaining it

Amazing work, thanks for getting this up and running! for x8 would it be possible to only read the 4 top motors to keep DMA allocation down?


Yes that should work fine

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I’m trying on a BlHeli_S ESC to install Bluejay (GitHub - mathiasvr/bluejay: Digital ESC firmware for controlling brushless motors in multirotors) it is an opensource project that support bidirectional dshot, among other upgrades on top on the last version of the original BlHeli_S. Motors spins and with the oscilloscope I see the dshot bidirectional signal, but I cannot see the escx_rpm value in the status panel in MP. Anyone have experience with Bluejay and arducopter with bidirectional dshot?

Dave & @andyp1per ,

I have also installed bi-directional DShot firmware on my Matek H743 Mini.
For my setup, the difference between this bi-directional DShot firmware and the non bdshot firmware was night and day - thank you!
Quad basically went from almost unflyable with vibrations to almost completely smooth.
This bdshot firmware has been the “game-changer” so far in my ability to make progress toward a good, stable tune.
Thanks again!

Use BLHeli_M: Releases · Asizon/blheli-configurator · GitHub

Ah great to hear! I love it when a plan comes together

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Hi Andy,

I’m looking to enable BD-Shot on my F405-SE, which is using F405-Wing as the firmware target. Would you be able to provide a F405-Wing-bdshot build since this doesn’t exist currently? Thanks!