[Beta Test Invitation] SIYI Gimbal & ArduPilot Integration: Time & GPS

What gimbal mode was it? Follow / Lock / FPV?
Please confirm if the flight controller attitude is successfully integrated. Gimbal indicator blinks twice green.

Lock mode, blinks twice green.

Please try to integrate flight attitude under lock mode only
We haven’t optimize the performance of flight attitude integration under other modes yet

It is under lock mode!

My mistake, I mean Follow mode

It really is me, who misunderstood. The gimbal is in Follow mode for Yaw, and in Lock mode for Roll & Pitch. In any case, the video provided was done with copter standing still on the ground.

Hi @SIYI - any update on the ZR10 testing for this?

The offical firmware update will be released in turns for the existing models. So, there will be no more testing firmware for this purpose.

The official firmware has started releasing from ZT30.
The beta test invitation has ended.
Thank you very much for joining the tests.

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Pardon me,

Does the latest version of ArduPilot support this ability to send time and GPS data to the SIYI gimbal for photo attributes?

Yes, I believe so
Please feel free to move to the discussion of the specific SIYI gimbal

@SIYI it show’s error 404 not found if you have any other
i have an issue with capturing images using hex command throught python dronekit connected by herelink telemetry and cvbs in a8 mini. it sometimes receives the hex command for capturing the image but it sometimes doesnot receives it and not capturing the image to check i tried with SIYI FPV application in windows but it cant saves the image also after rebooting of camera it captures the image

I believe there is a better place to discuss this issue more timely
Would you mind using direct email support or WhatsApp, please?