I see the sticky at the top of this forum so I do know that getting the microSD card out and putting it in the computer is going to be the best way to get the Bin files off the Pixhawk.
I have also read that getting the logs via Mavlink is possible through Mission Planner, which I have tried. However, when I do so, it doesn’t download the entire flight most of the time. I flew two flights tonight to try and tune my Disco and am having quite the difficult time analyzing the files. I tried to download via MP and Mavlink but I would only get about 4-5 minutes of the 9 minute flight and it didn’t show any of the battery failsafe event that I was most interested in.
What exactly is the problem with downloading via Mavlink? Luckily, I can barely reach the microSD card but in my Iris, I have to take apart the thing each time I want to get logs and that seems ridiculous.
Is this something that is still being worked out or am I having weird issues that most people are not having?
This is an issue with the copter 3.1.x firmware. The issue is fixed in the current versions of plane and rover and will be fixed in copter 3.2. If you are using the release candidate it is already fixed.
If you are using 3.1.x then please remove the SD card and read the files directly.
Awesome! Thanks for the information. Good to know it’s just temporary.