Best type of foam for barometer

Hey guys!
So I’ve read in some posts that covering the barometer with foam will help with the readings, however I would like to know which type of foam works best, how much I need to use, and how it should be installed. I tried polyurethane foam (the kind of foam that you would find in a pelican case) but I ended up with a weird altitude offset.
I’m not an expert in foam so I would like to hear your recommendations.

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An open cell foam should be ok - something like a washing pad for dishes, if you can blow through it basically, it’s just to diffuse the air.

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And from where can I get that open celled piece of foam!? I use apm 2.8 as my FC and the foam covering the barometer went off somewhere in air!! Now I want to cover it with a open celled piece of foam, but not getting any such thing online?? What should I do now!? Where to get that? Some people suggested me buying new FC, but H743 Chipset is very expensive, costs over 14000INR in India… Pixhawk FCs are way more expensive, with pixhawk 6C costing 28000INR!!

@RudrakshTek, The foam has nothing to do with the type of FC. On all barometer sensors this is recommended. You can just google “open foam” or “polyurethane foam” than you get several examples what kind of foam is meant. This is most often used in (air) filter applications

Ok. I searched for that but found that all are wholesale sellers… They are giving large open celled foam sheets costing from 2000 INR to 20000 INR, isn’t there any household item from where I can get it?? Because the images of the foam which I shared in another thread are may be of very low density… That’s why they might be not working…

You always claim your limited budget.
So if the things you find in the internet are to expensive for you use your intelligence to find other solution.
It is not helpfull for you if I now show where I get such stuff as you can’t order it from such store in Europe for a good price.
Go physical out to your local dealers round the corner, I am sure you find some useable stuff. Many kind of systems filtering air (or water) are using such foam.

I like to use “grid foam” that is made for equipment carrying cases. It is cut in a grid (hence the name) and you rip out the pieces where you want a hole for equipment, like this for example:


If you can’t get foam you can probably use an old t-shirt as well, cut it to size and fold it a few times. The material doesn’t matter, in the end we only need the right properties, which are (1) restrict air movement while (2) not being completely air tight to let preassure differences through.

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How do you people get such good Ideas!! Using an old T shirt instead of foam! I will try that just now! WoW!