In Lua scripts, should run-time errors be handled with assert()/error() or with gcs:send_text() and a nil (or false) function return value?
I’ve been perusing both the example Lua code in the ArduPilot tree and @Yuri_Rage’s ArduMower repository, and both approaches are taken – sometimes both in the same script.
I believe assert()/error() just ends the script while gcs:send_text() other could allow for follow-up action by the user, but in practice the result might be the same, ending the mission and fixing the problem.
Both assert and error will terminate your script with a error (unless your using a protected call)
send_text just sends a message to the user but does not terminate the script. As you say you could:
if not foo then
In that case you terminate the script without a error.
The difference between terminating with and without a error is that terminating with a error will trigger AP’s error string handling, that will re-print the error message periodically making it harder to miss and also trigger a pre-arm warning.