(vosair )
January 5, 2019, 9:21pm
I can’t seem to find a link to the I2C enabled version anywhere. Do you have a link? I found this on the forum, but it requires an arduino to translate serial to I2C.
The Benewake TFMINI is a small Laser RangeFinder that has a lot of potential as a replacement for the Sonar. Its in the same price range as the Maxbotix and it has a range up to 12 Meter indoor and 6 Meter outdoor.
It comes preconfigured in binary output at 115200 Bauds and we can change the mode by issuing these commands through the Benewake console (http://benewake.com/en/down.html ) or using Realterm:
The command of standard output is 42 57 02 00 00 00 01 06
The command of pix …