Hello All: I am looking for any details/assistance with BendyRuler. I have:
Superdroid 30Kg rover with dual RTK receivers providing fixedRTK data and heading over serial NMEA (20Hz). I can reliably autonomously navigate a course with WP radius 0.2 m. I am using 4.4.0 beta8 and the autotuning LUA worked flawlessly. Nice job !
So now I moved to OA. I have SF45/B and I see circles on MP. But OA documentation leaves out many details:
Beam resolution: How is this set? Does higher res give smaller circles? Changing BEAM_WIDTH does not seem to make any difference in circle diameter.
Vehicle width: I want to go through a passage that is wide enough for the vehicle. I have two cardboard boxes with a sufficient gap between them. But MP shows circles touching each other, especially when turning (even with 1s history) and the vehicle goes around the side of the boxes rather than trying to go between them - which is possible and would be the shortest path. I have tried all kinds of combinations of LOOKAHEAD and MARGIN_MAX. Yuri_Rage suggested that this might be a way to adjust for vehicle width and find suitable wide path, but I really do not understand how this works.
Maybe I am missing something but I think Bendy Ruler is really not an appropriate technique for rover OA. Any comments, experience, or ideas appreciated.
Hello All: I put this out 3 days ago and while there are several reads - no replies! So either nobody knows how bendyRuler works, or nobody cares to explain. This is really my beef with ardurover. You cannot expect anyone to work with something that has no documentation. Yes, I understand that it is DIY and open source, but it is not useful to sift through the source code. We need to know how it works - not just increase this parameter and decrease this parameter. I could work it out - after all I am old-school programmer - cut my teeth on FORTRAN and PDP-11 assembler. I still make a living programming industrial control systems using ESP32 chips.
Based on my limited testing, BendyRuler is really just designed for flying machines where the objective is not colliding with anything. Rovers are different - we need to find path to the waypoint - between trees that are just wide enough. Bendy Ruler does not have this feature.
Anyway. If anyone wants to comment please do so. I have read every blog on BendyRuler I could find and watched the excellent videos by Rishab.
I would also want to see some responses, maybe i could improve my bendyRuler, because my current settings are not as good…
(Rover; AP 4.6.0-BETA, Pixhawk 6X CM4)
Yup - right here with ya. Implemented exclusion fences (all circular), and some craziness with BendyRuler - would be nice to share settings. Here are mine (DONT COPY AS THEY DONT WORK):