Beginner setup - servos don’t move

Hi guys,

This is my 2nd ArduCopter build, so I expected things to go much smoother.

I just put together my Pixhawk Orange with a receiver, 4 servos, and a motor. I’m testing out the most simple setup for single copter. I’ve set up FRAME_CLASS8 and verified receiver and channels are mapped correctly.

The problem is that my servos still don’t move. I’m forcing arming my copter and setting throttle slightly above min and there’s no response from servos. Currently I have tiny servos connected to MAIN 1-4 and a motor connected to Main 5 (but powered off). What could be the reason for this? Thanks

I think you have no power on your servo rail. You need a Bec to supply 5V to you servos, the pixhawk does not supply power the servorail.

You’re correct, after plugging in a 5V UBEC servo cable into the servo outputs of Pixhawk my servos started working.