Beginner. Is this hardware list OK for a rover(mower)

Hi, hope this is in the right section.

Building a rover lawn mower. 2 wheel drive, castors on the front. I was writing my own software in a ESP32, but realising its going to be easier to go for a proven system.

So, I have 2 ublox ZED-F9P dev boards, one set up as a base station and one on the rover, communicating via a serial wireless connection. Thats all working, I get a good lock. I have a arduino compass module, and a Sabretooth 2X25 module to drive each wheel. I also have a 4 channel RC pair.

Its been suggested I use the Mateksys Matek H743-Wing as my flight computer. Sound OK, and anything else? I was thinking of using wifi ( via a esp32 ) to connect to the PC to load waypoints/plan, or no? Initially I could just plug my laptop into the mower and set up the plan that way.

Thanks, sorry for the dumb questions.


OK, I’ve been pointed to a few posts that will help me out. Thanks.

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