Bebop2 Video stream

Sorry I have no idea. I don’t think Parrot would agree to disclose its hardware schematics. You’ll have to figure that out yourself.

  • Non-reusable hardware.
  • Closed source video init and debayer algorithms.
  • Not speaking about other things like closed communication protocols between SC2 and the flying wings.

For these and similar reasons I will never buy from Parrot as long as I can avoid it.
Good that IBM didn’t go that way and opened the bus specs in 1970-80, otherwise we would not be typing these on PC-s. Experts would be instead using extra expensive CP/M for their computing needs, and Internet would be nowhere, just a distant concept.
Cheers! :wink:

everything works good until …apt-get install qv4l2

does ubuntu inside bebop shouls somehow get broadband ?


Hi Infinite_Crystals,
Yes, bebop connects to your wifi with these commands:

#connecting by wifi to external addresses:
iwlist scanning| grep ESSID
wpa_passphrase 'MyWifi' 'PASSWORD' > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i eth0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 

dhclient eth0 -r -v

My omission, I should have put these in the beginning.
Possible that you will have to reconnect to bebop afterwards, when it’s got the new connection IP address. I don’t remember and I don’t have a bebop in front of me to test. Cheers!
PS: if someone has figured out the pinout of the Parrot Disco GPS board, pls let me know :slight_smile:

Hi folks! Is there any progress due to video live feed from the Bebop 2 with ardupilot?
It would be very nice to use ardupilot, 4G softmod and video live stream from the Bebop 2!
WITH qgroundcontrol and my notebook!

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Any progress on that?