I am setting up a Beaglebone Blue to run Ardurover. I have been able to successfully upload all of the firmware to my board and establish a udp connection between my board and my computer at my home over my home wifi. However, I need to be able to operate my rover on my college wifi, which the BBB cannot connect to. I was curious if there is a way to configure the pilot board to automatically connect to mission planner using a serial connection (COM) instead of udp? Thanks for the help!
Hi @Scrubner
what is the command line are you using to start ardurover ?
In true, the command line parameters -A to -F is to map the arducopter SERIALX to a linux serial device (/dev/ttyOX)
So if you start using for instance, -A /dev/ttyO4, the serial port 4 of your board will be mapped to the SERIAL0 what is the main console port.
You can change the SERIALX_PROTOCOL to change what will be used in this serial port. https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/parameters.html#serial1-protocol-telem1-protocol-selection
I appreciate the help. I don’t think I am necessarily calling a command to start ardurover…
Right now I am following the instruction provided on the website here: BeagleBone Blue — Rover documentation. I am just following those instructions exactly, including changing the code when I am instructed to. I am working on a windows 11 computer so I was unable to get the shared internet connection to work, so I ended up using the “via wifi” alternative listed in the appendix.
In trying to intepret your last comment, do you mean that the place I want to look is changing the SERIALX_PROTOCOL? If so where would I find that option?
So if you is running -A udp: the console will be sent to the udp address but if instead you use -A /dev/ttyO4 the console will be sent to the serial port ttyO4
And the speed you can change in the SERIAL0 parameters
And this will be the same for the other ports