BBBmini DIY Kit for ArduPilot on Linux

BBBmini DIY PCB (1.4 Rev)

I have a few hands full of BBBmini 1.4 PCB’s leftovers laying around and they are just collecting dust right now.

I offer them to keen developers or users on a tight budget.

The BBBmini is the ArduPilot DIY Cape for the BeagleBone Black.
It was designed and published by Mirko Denecke

What you will get is the previous 1.4 revision BBBmini PCB with all parts needed to assemble it (pin headers, sockets, resistors, standoffs, screws).

Besides the IMU-& Baro Breakout Boards and other additional parts like CAN transceiver, power module, OLED display, etc it is all that is needed to start your pure DIY ArduPilot / Linux project.

You will need a MPU9250 IMU module and MS5611 Baro Breakout Board which you can find on ebay or other markets for a few bucks.

The idea is to gain attention, drive the Linux development and thrill the community.

For more Information on Mirkos work please go to .

I offer them for 10EUR which includes shipping worldwide and a donation to the ArduPilot project which i will send when they are all gone.

Notice: This kit DOES NOT include the BeagleBone Black/Green or Sensor-Breakout boards.
You will need to buy them or use what you might have collected over the time.
No power module, display, gps, unicorn, etc included!

If you want a more complete Kit you might be able get one here:
(i promise there will be a few in stock again soon)

If you want one just send me a PM or mail to linus |ot|

Hope to read about your project soon :slight_smile:




Just wanted to thank you for the board! The board is very nice, I finished assembling and got my parts from the China slow boat and I’m now working on the software side.

This is great of you to do, I hope it helps drive interest in Linux based ArduPilot.


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Thanks for all your interests and kind words.

I had been able to help a hand full of people out with Kits or Parts.
Everything is gone now, we can lóok forward and focus on new developments now :slight_smile:

Big thanks to @mirkix for all his work!

Good luck with your project.
