Battery voltage showing 0.00V PH4-mini

Hello, I am using a Pixhawk 4 mini with the Holybro PM06 V2 power module:

ArduRover version: 4.5.2
I have connected the power module to the pixhawk 4 mini using the (6-pin i believe) cable.
Using a 3s (11.1V) 4000 mAh lipo battery.
In setup I am following the instructions provided with the power module, that says to do folowing:

  1. Set “Monitor” to: “Analog Voltage and Current”
  2. Set “Sensor” to: “9: Holybro Pixhawk PM”
  3. Set “HW Ver” to: “4: The Cube or Pixhwak” (which suppodedly includes the Pixhawk 4 Mini?)"

When I do this the little “Measured Battery Voltage” thing still says 0, and if I dis- and re-connect to the pixhawk (wired mavlink connection) it gives me two errors (see pictures) and some of the settings I made are gone (see other picture).

I am not super expreienced with this entire pixhawk-ardupilot-missionplanner but I have some experience at least.



Thanks in advance!

I dont know what I did, but the problem solved itself.
Cant remove post…

Probably power cycled the FC. Required for some setting changes.

Thought I did but you could be right. Thank you either way!