Batt_mon question

I need to temporarily use voltage data via esc telem or bdshot and current data from the analog 4-in-1 esc’s current sensor. Is this possible?

I’m aware that blheli32 doesn’t send current data via telem. I’ve seen reference to various batt_volt_pin and batt_cur_pin options but the ones I’ve tried have yielded no results.

Extended Dshot includes voltage. Not many ESC’s put current on the data stream.

Yeah I just wasn’t sure if there was a way to use maybe two batt_mon’s and pulling voltage from one and current from the other. ESC for the first maybe and analog current from the second. I was told that a batt monitor is expecting both voltage and current. I was hoping for a temporary work around.

Well yea you can. ESC Telemetry Voltage on one and analog current on the other. Highly doubt you have ESC’s that put current on telemetry like this one but it’s the same idea just swapped around:

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My ESC doesn’t output current telem so I’d have to use the analog current sensor. I’ll play around with the params some more and see if I can get something working. It’s been driving me nuts for the past few Horus. Any recommendations on params for batt2_mon for just analog current?

Set it for Analog Voltage and Current.

Giving that a try again now. Should I disable the batt2_volt_pin (-1) or leave it at something? I need to figure out what cur_pin to use. That’ll take a minute as the FC mfg doesn’t provide any documentation. Thanks MRo (3DR).

What Mro FC is it?

Control Zero H7 full wire kit.

From the Hwdef file:

Now setup the default battery pins driver analog pins and default
scaling for the power brick.

These should be set by default.

I’ll give those another shot. I had those set before but wasn’t receiving accurate-ish current data. Currently set as batt2 but same for batt. It is reading voltage of just over 1v on that monitor. Could be the reason. I’m just guessing that’s the USB voltage it’s pulling.