Basics for telemetry

I´m trying to figure out what the diference is between MavLink and Sik radio. Is Sik the protocol for the radio and MavLink for the information package?

Thank you!

Sik (SiLabs Si1000) is the firmware that runs on the hardware. Actual description:
Firmware for SiLabs Si1000 - Si102x/3x ISM radios
SiK is a collection of firmware and tools for radios based on the cheap, versatile SiLabs Si1000 SoC.

Thank you. So the radio works internally with the firmware based on Sik and MavLink runs on it´s own firmware when sending a message?

What frequency do for example Holybro 433Mhz and RFD 868Mhz EU operate within?


SiK Stands for SI1000 , SiK Radio Hardware is designed based on SI1000 ic and the firmware is developed is called SiK Radio firmware, The firmware aka software has inbuilt code for Mavlink protocol.
Basically this Sik Firmware has 3 functions.

  1. Receive Mavlink pkt on RF .
  2. Validate the Mavlink pkt received and write the packet on the UART interface connected to Flight Controller uart pads.
  3. Apart from this it supports AT commands functionality
  4. Other supporting functions for establishing connectivity between the Grnd and Air module.
    However SI(Silicon labs) has stopped production of this IC, so market availability is scare.