Can anyone explain why the Waypoint Overshoot, NAVL1_PERIOD and NAV1_DAMPING parameters are grayed out?
I am running V4.4.0 beta4 (9835ebb7)
Many thanks.
Can anyone explain why the Waypoint Overshoot, NAVL1_PERIOD and NAV1_DAMPING parameters are grayed out?
I am running V4.4.0 beta4 (9835ebb7)
Many thanks.
Check the Full Parameter list. Those parameters don’t exist in V4.4
They are not on the Full Parameter list but show up in the dialogue box in Basic Tuning and the documentation.
I’m trying to tune my rover from the documentation but not sure why there are these discrepancies.
Is the L1 Controller not used now? If it is, where could I find the parameters?
That’s because Mission Planner lags Ardupilot at times (most times) so if the parameters doesn’t exist or it’s name has changed that’s the result. You can try always updating to MP latest Beta but in this case it won’t do any good yet.
Right, it’s a Position Controller (S-Curves):
Tuning Navigation
Thanks for the reminder, as we approach the stable release of 4.4 I’ll need to get MP updated…
Thanks @dkemxr for clarifying.
I take it from the replies then that I should ignore this page of the docs completely, and just work on the S Curve tuning described in the preceding section.
I have now run Quick Tune and all working.
Thank you all.