I have a Holybro F4 kakute AIO v2 Board.
Running Adrupilot firmware.
When I am connecting the M8N GPS + Compass module.
to R3, T3 pads for Tx and Rx Connections and R6 T6 for Telemetry Tx and Rx.
As soon as I connect the GPS,Compass module I start getting the Baro Config Error.
When I unplug the GPS module the Baro config error vanishes.
I was earlier working with 4.1.5 firmware version.
Now I have updated the firmware to the latest. Still I get the same error.
Also in MP Compass is not getting detected.
One thing you can try is flashing a different version of ardupilot to erase the settings or betaflight or something then flash back to ardupilot.
I had weird bizarre issues with mine and that seemed to resolve it.
Yes, I have seen this before. Flash plane and then copter again - that will fully erase the parameter data
I will try that and let you know, I tried what @bonkas has suggested. It did detect the GPS.
- Flashed Betaflight then flashed back the arducopter 4.1.5 version.
- Connected MP and then updated the firmware to 4.2.1 and it detected the GPS.
- However Compass is not getting detected.
Btw is there a way to save the parameters and load them after new-firmware flash.?
@andyp1per I will try flashing the arduplane and then re-flash the arducopter.
I do suspect, when I configure below params they stop working.
There are 2 battery monitors , should I configure both or only Bat-Monitor-1.
I flash plane then copter. but I start getting the Baro Config Error. would you please
help me?