Hi, I’m setting up a pixhawk cube 2 on my skywalker x8 and I’m having a gps signal problem, I’m using firmware 3.9.5, I have everything worked but I get the message from (Bad Gps Signal Health) and I’m not sure it can be, try everything and the message keeps coming and I can not arm.
probe in running the gps of place thinking that it could be serca of the engine and that could be interfering but I removed everything that gave me the cable and that was not, probe with lead paper with a plane to the ground and not fix it, probe it outside of my home in the open and I have little reception of satellites sometimes you get to 3 to veses to 5 but never more than 5, something curious is that when you install the firware without performing any calibration had 9 and 11 satellites, but after the calibration only get 3 or 5.
if anyone can help me thanks
Bad GPS signal health means that the autopilot is not receiving an update at least 5 times per second. The EKF must have that 5 Hz update. You can look at the GPS.Delta field in the log and see a graph of the update time.
I have the same problem, however, it reports 20 satellites in sight, this configuration I have now for several months and never presented this problem, when I went to version 3.9 the problems began, see the 20 satellites and when assembling it does not stop armed the engine.
How can I validate that Hz is walking the GPS?
Thank you
In arducopter around version 3.6.6. there was a change in how the GPS rate is checked. Previously I always had 20 satellites and GPS HDOP of .6. Once I reached approx. 15 satellites I got a BAD GPS Health error. Changed GPS_GNSS_MODE to 3. I had been flying with the default of 0 for a year before but the code change triggered the warning.
Look at the GPA2.DELTA or GPA.DELTA (depending on where you have your GPS connected) from your dataflash .bin file in the log viewer in Mission Planner. The value should be around 200 mSecs. You will have Bad GPS Signal Health if you have values greater than that. The term “GPS Signal” is referring the the timeliness of the signal from the GPS to the flight controller, NOT the signal the GPS is receiving from satellites.
I received help on this same issue about a year ago from much more experienced users than me. You might skim through the discussion around here: Bad GPS Health when I have RTK Fix.