My consumer edition IRIS seem to lose its marbles on its last flight. I had a difficulty maintaining direction control towards the end of an otherwise uneventful flight. The Iris seemed to lose track of where home was, putting it into RTL sent it off towards a stand of spruce trees. It finally did crash into those trees, but fortunately they provided a soft landing and there was no physical damage. However, now I when I power it up the status LED flashed red blue green very rapidly, and MP shows bad compass health. I’ve tried several things, including reinstalling the firmware and recalibrating the compass. The compass cal fails though, displaying the message only 1 data point received. At this point the Iris is unflyable, Any suggestions?
S[color=#BF0000]o I posted this in the compass/gps section over a month ago, to be completely ignored by 3DR. ZERO response. I tried re-posting here but it was immediately deleted by the 3DR Mod because I didn’t have the log file available when I posted and didn’t realize I couldn’t just go back and add it later. Fantastic response time on the delete button 3DR! Good Job! My Iris is now an $800+++ bookshelf decoration anyway, so I figured what the hell, what can it cost me to try again. [/color]
[color=#0000FF]My consumer edition IRIS seem to lose its marbles on its last flight. I had a difficulty maintaining direction control towards the end of an otherwise uneventful flight. The Iris seemed to lose track of where home was, putting it into RTL sent it off towards a stand of spruce trees. It finally did crash into those trees, but fortunately they provided a soft landing and there was no physical damage. However, now I when I power it up the status LED flashed red blue green very rapidly, and MP shows bad compass health. I’ve tried several things, including reinstalling the firmware and recalibrating the compass. The compass cal fails though, displaying the message only 1 data point received. At this point the Iris is unflyable, Any suggestions?[/color]
Mark, I moved your post here from the Compass section. If you want somebody to look analyze a log for you they are never going to find it in the compass section.
Posting a tlog does not help very much with the analysis because they don’t have as much information as a dataflash log does, which is what the moderator asked you to provide.
The log analysis indicates you lost control of the vehicle and crashed. You probably broke the cable going to the compass in the crash.