Still get this after setting use EKF. Goes away when I set it back to zero. I’ve found posts about it, but no real answer. I the error message just because you haven’t started flying? The bad AHRS is the same with all the Pixhawks in the fleet : (

It takes a less than a minute for the EKF to start functioning. It’s only a “real” problem if the “bad AHRS” doesn’t clear. I have never had that happen.

Cool. That’s what I was thinking. Thanks!

[quote=“FullScalePilot2”]It takes a less than a minute for the EKF to start functioning. It’s only a “real” problem if the “bad AHRS” doesn’t clear. I have never had that happen.

My Bad AHRS warning never goes away, even after 3D fix and HDOP below 2.0.