Does 3.2.1 default to Kalman filter? I’ve never used it before. But setting up a new X8 I get bad AHRS. Took a look and sure enough the AHRS_EKF_USE is set to 1. Another HEX I did at the same time has AHRS_EKF_USE set to 0, both supposedly default lol. I guess first, why am I getting the bad AHRS? There’s nothing on the hud, but it comes over the voice function as it’s repeating the offsets after acc calibration. Is the Kalman filter safe to use or leave it set to 0?
I was getting the bad AHRS error on an X8+ last week. It was happening right after takeoff, but went away after getting 10-20 meters in the air and the flights went flawlessly. A couple days later the error appeared again, right before the X8+ went out of control and flew itself into a tree at a high rate of speed. Review of the logs indicated a gyro failure (Bad Pixhawk). Be extra cautious if the gyros start acting strange, like not responding to accelerometer calibrations.
The EKF option overall seems to provide for a more stable flight experience on the X8+'s.
Not Sure why you are getting AHRS errors but EKF is fine to use if your flight controller supports it (i.e. not APM). I didn’t think it was going to on be default until 3.3 (which I believe will be Pixhawk/or similar only)
There is a short delay as the EKF starts functioning. The Bad AHRS will clear itself momentarily.