I am trying to use 6 different servos in the auxiliary outputs in the PX4. I have been able to operate aux channels 1-4 which are assigned 9-12 in mission planner. However, I cannot use aux channels 5 and 6 because the are assigned as relays. How do these relays work? How can I operate a servo from these two channels? I need help really soon. Thank you.
So I tried plugging in a servo and actuating it through the servo tab in mission planner with both 13 and 14. Nothing was happening, but I know the servo works because I was able to use it in 9-12. Do I need to somehow change those auxiliary ports 5 and 6 from relays to servo. I went into config> standard params> and made sure that the relays were disabled, but that did not open up ports 5 and 6 (13 and 14) to be used as servos.
Sorry if it’s off topic, but may I know what parameters are set to be able to trigger the relay? because I still can’t trigger relays using the orange cube and black cube flight controllers.