AUVSI-SUAS CUAir Sponsorship


My name is Shirley Kabir and I am the Design and Operation Lead for CUAir, Cornell University Unmanned Air System. We are a team of 60 aspiring engineers, computer scientists, and entrepreneurs at Cornell University that builds a world-class autonomous aerial system and competes in the international AUVSI SUAS competition annually, frequently placing 1st in the world!

A core part of our system is the Pixhawk’s 2.1 autopilot which is used along with a full sensor suite for autonomous navigation. The Pixhawk autopilot’s plug-and-play support for common sensors makes it easy and highly affordable for us to test many systems simultaneously on appropriate platforms before integration into our aircraft. This enables us to tune the autopilot for autonomous flight while testing obstacle avoidance algorithms on a test airframe. The Pixhawk autopilot also makes it easier to meet competition safety requirements with numerous features such as redundant power and support for redundant telemetry radios. Additionally, the HereLink HD Video system would be the perfect spotter and Pilot safety mechanism for our system. The pilot would be able to safely operate our current aircraft, Orion, with high quality, first-person view of the plane rather than from the much more difficult third-person perspective when spotting from the ground.

Pixhawk’s products are the best we have ever used and we would love to continue using them. As a result, I wanted to ask if it would be possible for ProfiCNC to provide us with two Pixhawk 2 cubes, two Here 2s, and the HereLink HD Video system.

We are a team that prides ourselves on the robust functionality and professional nature of our state of the art system, and so we are heavily reliant on generous external support. As a result, we would be extremely grateful if ProfiCNC would be willing to partner with us!

In return, we can offer the benefits of the Business Class Tier of our sponsorship program which would provide ProfiCNC with our team’s resume book, a corporate logo on our aircraft, a corporate logo on the competition poster, and acknowledgment on our team website complete with the corporate logo.

Additionally, here is our team’s promotional video to show a little more about what we do at CUAir. You can also view our team’s sponsorship packet if you’d like more information on our team and the benefits of being a sponsor.

Shirley Kabir
CUAir Design & Operations Lead

I have sent you a Private message.

We don’t deal with sponsorships in the public :slight_smile:

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Hello Shirley,

That is really nice to heard about your team and that you use Open Source.

I just some information for future reader :

  • ArduPilot devs love Cube (pixhawk 2.1), but Proficnc isn’t ArduPilot. That is a private company. We have really good relationship with them such as our other partners company. And Philip Rowse contributions to Open Source are awesome !
  • there is no such thing as Pixhawk autopilot. Pixhawk is a brand for a type of small unmanned autopilot boards. The two major autopilot available on the pixhawk series are : ArduPilot (that is us) and PX4 (they are also Open Source). Don’t speak about pixhawk autopilot but the real autopilot (==software) you are using as they are and behave very differently. There is no such thing as best one, both are great and got strengths and drawbacks.

I don’t think ArduPilot was ask for sponsorship before. But we would be glad to help you to solve autopilot issues both on code and documentation that you can report.

We also have a blog section were we would love to heard about your development on ArduPilot and competition results !

The cube is 100% the Pixhawk 2, we own the trademark rights for this. However since the more recent propagation of clones, derivatives and blatant fakes, we have stopped using the name.

As Pierre is saying, it is very confusing when Pixhawk is used to describe the firmware… there is no such thing as Pixhawk firmware.

So now, we try and make it clear!
Ardupilot is the Firmware
The Cube is the Hardware
CubePilot is the Ecosystem that includes everything that is needed to get your cube into the air.

Looking forward to your reply via private message