Hi Leonard,
I tried AT on my new Pixhawk powered Tarot960 Hexa for the first time yesterday, before AT the Hexa was very jittery as standard settings too high,
after autotune, (very successful) Hexa flew great! so disarm with AT still on, to save settings, refreshed MP to check new settings (surprised at settings!) but happy days, flies great, take off again, still good…
BBUUUUUUTTTTT on next boot up, new battery, Hexa flew all jittery like before AT??? refreshed parameters… and the new autotuned settings are still there… but flies like on default??
I repeated the process over and over, did 5 autotunes, tried refreshing full parameter list, saving it, and reloading it on new battery boot up… but everytime it seems the pixhawk boots into its default settings, even though it shows autotuned pids…
weird weird weird
any ideas??
AC3.1.1 on Pixhawk
Tarot 960 Hexa
380KV Tarot Pancake motors
Multistar 40A ESC’s