AutoTune Performance on a Large Multirotor Quad

The first run using the AutoTune function with our 850 size quad. Specs are as follow: CF frame 850 mm (33.5"), APM 2.6 with GPS module and firmware 3.1, Tiger Motor MN4010-11 475Kv, TM 45A esc’s, 16x5.5 cf props running off 4S 5800 mAh. For this initial AutoTune run we used cheaper HK cf props just in case of a mishap, and will rerun again with the TM cf versions. C-clamp optional…

The entire AutoTune flight took right around 7:00 ground to ground, which included a brief system check flight and some interrupted drift corrections while in AutoTune mode etc.

The AutoTune function performed perfectly, and the quad has rock solid flight characteristics. Very similar to HoverFly Pro in stabilize mode, and GPS is fantastic. We have used the APM 2.6 on other large quads with AutoTune and GPS with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Just need to try the Cadillac model Pixhawk next.

Here are the PID values after the AutoTune was completed