Autotune is not giving a proper gains for CUAV x7+ and taking long time for tuning

Hello all, I am facing issue in autotune. My copter is 850mm X 850mm frame with 250kv motor, 80amps esc and 24inch propeller, 30,000mah battery, CUAV x7+ FC. I have followed each and every steps instructed by tuning procedure. After applying notch filters, did quicktune. Later while autotune its taking long time in tuning D and angle but after tune the values I am getting is sluggish and the angle is less than 3. So I need suggestion from the expert. please help me out to resolve the issue. I am attaching a log below.

@xfacta Can you please suggest.

What is your auto tune aggressive setting set to?

I tried with 0.1, 0.075 and 0.005…but every time I got an angle below 3.

Hi there,

I doubt I can help you, but I have exactly the same problem, relatively heavy copter with 16 inch props/2.5 kg, low Kv motors (350), and autotune producing very low PIDs and in some cases low Angle values. So far I have not been able to achieve good tuen using Autotune, and only manually reached relatively good PIDs which still have some problems…

Would love to see how you solve this problem.

Michael, a 3kg copter is not heavy.

30Kg coper is heavy.

The typical issue with autotune not doing its best is: noise.

And you solve it by:

  • making the frame stiffer
  • adding damping to the FC
  • tunning the notch filter correctly

Only then can autotune do it’s job.

This advice is valid for 300g, 3Kg and 300Kg vehicles.

And @Michail_Belov you still have not answered my questions :unamused: on the other thread

My MTOW is 8kg, frame is completely a rigid carbon fibre with rectangular arms. Have applied harmonic notch filters and it’s working well and good. In quicktune the gains are good and stable. But when I want to tune accel and angle on autotune, the complete pids, accel and angle are getting too low and sluggish. Is there any chances i get good autotune?

Post a .bin file, the notch is probably not as good tuned as you think

I have posted those logs above.

Thanks I’ll have a look tomorrow when I’m at my PC

Yes please,Thank you.

This is my dampening setup of the drone. every harness are zip tagged.

You shouldnt need any damping at all with an X7, so it’s probably over damped and not able to function properly. High strength double-sided foam tape on the underside should be enough.

If we remove the dampening, the vibration on all the axes are going above 30. Due to which we are using the dampeners.

That indicates possible issues with the motors, arms or frame if the internal damping of the X7 cant cope. I’d imagine you need some damping in that case, but that antivibration setup you have is probably too much. You could get some ear plugs and try to jam them inside the blue silicon balls, that will stiffen them a little.

The arms are rigid, no flexibility the only issue while autotuning rate D and angle taking too long to gain the values. I have attached my drone below. Can you please analyze logs and suggest me anything is troubling the tune.

Should I apply the double notch filters and test?

Yes, try the new settings out. The 34Hz noise is probably a GPS mast, or the landing gear legs.

Thank you. As per your suggestion I set all the values. with the default values, I set quicktune where the gains are stable in loiter but in althold there was a little oscillations found. so reduced D gains to 20% to remove the oscillation and it vanished. with those gain I set autotune but gains are too low including PIDs and angles.

So again the autotune didn’t give the better values. I am attaching the log below.