Autotune for plane clarification

I am having some problems with saving the PIDs after running Autotune. I have studied the documentation a number for times and I would like clarification on the following dot point

“* the autotune system will save the P and D parameters once the tune has been completed for an axis. When you switch out of AUTOTUNE mode the FF and I values will be saved. Switching out of AUTOTUNE in the midst of tuning an axis will revert the PID values to their original values.”

firstly what is FF (feedforward)
secondly ‘when you switch out of AUTOTUNE mode the I values will be saved’ to me a contradicted by ‘Switching out of AUTOTUNE in the midst of tuning …’ can anyone help? Is there any indication that the AUTOTUNE is actually completed? If so where and how?

On a Ground Control Station, OSD or a message on your |Transmitter if you have Yaapu telemetry.

Thank you very much. I feel your information should be included in the documentation.

The statement about a GCS or OSD is in the documentation.

Thanks, I am familiar with GCS and OSD, I have used Yaapu telemetry with my drones for about 5 or six years.