“AutoTune: failing to level, please tune manually”

Hello there.

I have a new setup with;

-F450 frame
-SunnySky x2212 980 KV II motors
-9 inchs propellers
-4s 3300 mah battery.
-Hobbywing X-Rotor 40A ESCs.
-BN880 GPS+Compass module.

With this setup drone fly good with default parameters. No visible oscillations. When I try to Autotune this message occurs and drone doesnt make any dancing.

Here is my log file:

Thank you very much.

Hello, I am sorry to tell you but no, it is not flying good with default parameters. Otherwise you would not get that message.

You need to configure it properly and then it will autotune fine.

The good news is that it is very easy to configure it properly. Just use the ArduPilot methodic configurator software.it was designed especially for you. To let new users get a properly tuned copter as fast and as safety as possible.

Thank you @amilcarlucas for your reply and ArduPilot methodic configurator software you made.
But I am not familiar all off the concept. If I use APM 2.8 instead of pixhawk, Autotune is completed and the drone can fly without any problems. I bought a Pixhawk because Pixhawk was highly recommended on the forum instead of APM, and I can’t Autotune. I don’t see any visible vibration, but the drone cannot enter Autotune mode. You can accept it as a humble criticism, if so many parameters have to be changed, which would be very difficult for an amateur like me, I think the job becomes a little bit more than “Auto”.
Still, I would like to thank you very much for your effort and support. Best regards.

Let’s just call it what it is. This craft is performing like shit.

Look at this output oscillation indicative of no tuning.

And the Vibe levels are too high which will make that tuning much more difficult:

Which Pixhawk is this because you are using the wrong (fmuv2) firmware.

You have a lot of work to do before attempting another Auto Tune.

Thank you @dkemxr
I use Radiolink Pixhawk first version.
I font know what to do for first step. May i do a quiktune procedure?

Because you are an amateur (like you said) and do not know what to do and do not know the sequence of steps to do, you must follow a sequence that is simple and proven.

The software was designed for you.

It will tell you the sequence of steps, and it will set some of the parameters automatically, but you still need to read some of the documentation (that is clearly displayed on the software) and need to choose parameter values that meet you vehicle requirements.

Not configuring it properly was the root of your problem.

Attack the problem by the root, do it properly. And methodically.

The proper first step is to read the Blog post and use the software.

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That’s too bad. Nothing from Radiolink is recommended. Download the .apj file from here fmuv3
Then use Mission planners “load Custom Firmware” to flash it.

Then do what @amilcarlucas says.

I’ve done an FFT logging.

What should I enter notch filter params?

Thank you very much.

Here is the fft logging file.

And here is the result with default notch filter parameters.

No point in doing that until you complete some other steps you seem to be ignoring. You are still on the wrong firmware.

Thank you.
But in Radiolink web page they offer fmuv2 for my board.

This is wrong but suit yourself. Good luck.


If we look at right side of radiolink page… there is also a fmuv3 file…

This is old info. V4.0 is from 2020. I suggest you contact Radiolink for help. And while doing so ask them why they are not abiding by the Ardupilot GPLv3 license.

Unlike original design with two gyros, Radiolink Pixhawk has only one, MPU6000. Better avoid it.

There are other 2.4.8’s around that only have one IMU also. All of them will work with either fmuv3 or Pixhawk1 unless it’s a rare 2.4.8 labeled 1mb version, which we have seen, which would use Pixhawk1-1M.
Avoid all of them but avoid anything from Radiolink.

I bought this pixhawk second hand for its price.
Ok i will install fmuv3 tomorrow.
Can you please look my bin files? Ienabled the notch filter with default values from “ArduPilot Filter Review Tool”. But I dont know which parameters require which values.
Thank you for your attention and advice.

I suggest you follow the advice given in the 1st reply to your initial post.