Topic:2x H7 autopilot + GPS for Rover autotune beta testers
Proposal type: Hardware [x]
This proposal is to fund the purchase of up to 2x H7 based autopilots + GPS for beta testers of the new Rover Quiktune script. The two beta testers have been contacted by Randy.
Why is this important? Rover-4.4 (and 4.3 for that matter) cannot be released until we confirm that SCurves/PositionController work at least as well as the older L1 controller. To assist with the upgrade, Randy has written a Rover QuikTune Lua script (PR, beta testing discussion) to help users tune both the low level controllers (steering and speed) and the higher level position controller velocity controller but a couple of our most experienced beta testers don’t have the right autopilots on their vehicles to assist with this testing (probably because rovers until now haven’t really needed high performance CPUs).
Planned amount $$ (USD): $1100 (or less)
H7 autopilots are about $350, accompanying GPSs are about $200.