Arming Issue with Mission Planner plane


I have an issue
When I arm in a manual mode everything works perfectly
But when I arm it in a FBWA/Stabilize mode and move the Throttle stick i does not response motor wont spin

Can anybody tell me what’s the Issue and how can I fix it?

maybe you can help yourself by sending some more details, no one knows your setup and has details about your trials.
Did your system shows some messages and errors?

I will sen you now Full Parameters list
mission PXHAWk.param (18.1 KB)

and system doenot show any error messages when I switch from FBWA to STBLZ or to manual mode it just turning off motor when I switch from manual mode to FBWA/STBLZ

In this picture you can see Status tab

In ch3precent you can see it is showing 0 when it is in Stblz/FBWA mode
But in manual mode it works

I think it can not see or seeing some other parameter in autopilot

Post a log file.

It appears that you have unresolved issues that will be much easier to fix with a log file than crappy photos of Mission Planner HUD.