Arm without GPS fix

I saw that my quad X arm also without GPS 3D fix.
Why this ?
i have setup to check 3D fix before arm.

You should still have “All” selected for Arming Checks.

You can arm in Stabilise or AltHold mode (or any manual mode) without a GPS 3D Fix provided you dont have the Fence enabled.
If you need to arm in Loiter or any GPS assisted mode, or have Fence enabled, you need a GPS 3D fix and Home can be set before arming.

@xfacta thanks for answer.
I arm in Stabilize mode and i dont have Fence enabled becouse i cannot put Enable becouse the field is disabled.
Today i try to put All in Arm Check.

Always have ARMING_CHECK,1 or “All”
The arming check warns you about components that might have a fault.

Fence is a separate parameter, look in the Full Parameter List.
If you enable the Fence you will NOT be able to arm in any mode until there is a good GPS 3D fix and Home can be set.
These are the main parameters:


Check you local laws for what is allowed

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@xfacta thanks much for answer.
Also RTL not work …can be Fence not enabled the problem of this ?

I saw in another discussion you are using an ESP32 and some options are not compiled in.
I would saw you would have to compile from source to ensure the options you need are included. There arent any pre-built firmware downloads for this board.
When I looked through the pull requests for ESP32 I would say this board is experimental for Ardupilot use.

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@xfacta yes Shawn. My ESP32 work fine but not GPS.
I think that i must add Geo Fence option for have it.
thanks much for your infos.

Adding the Fence wont make the GPS work.

You might need to check your wiring

@xfacta only one question:

RTL need Geo Fence enabled for work or can work also without ?


It also works without, but it works better, more reliably and safer with it!
Just do what @xfacta says.